Social Justice Meeting
Online - ZoomJoin Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 835 0702 6497 Passcode: 465378
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 835 0702 6497 Passcode: 465378
Ladera Oaks is hosting a swim meet and will use our parking lot for overflow parking from mid-afternoon until early evening.
Wednesdays from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. on Zoom Spiritual awakening is an opening that occurs within. You develop a sense of receptiveness, a tenderness and love for what feels like the essence of life. You intuitively know that everything you experience and everything around you is connected in some way. This awakening is sometimes described […]
Monthly Facilities Team meeting.
Worship is the heart of our community life. Sunday worship begins at 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary and online via Zoom and Facebook. All ages are invited. LCC worship is a joyful celebration of God’s presence among us. We find inspiration, renewal, and refreshment through song and silence, prayer, and reflection. We seek to integrate the arts […]
We will meet in person after church.
Since May, Affordable Housing Task Force members have been meeting with LCC members and friends to collect feedback on the idea of Ladera Church allowing part of the undeveloped parcel to be used for affordable housing. At Pastor Jeff’s suggestion, we asked what additional information people need to make a decision. One request that was […]
Haumalu 'o Langi Tongan congregation's weekly Sunday service and Sunday school for the children.
Modern square dancing is a recreation enjoyed by people of all ages in the United States and around the world. We dance the Plus program utilizing All Position Dancing. We often have an A2 or C1 star tip at the end of the evening. All Plus dancers are welcome to join us for an evening […]
Ladera Oaks is hosting a swim meet and will use our parking lot for overflow parking from mid-afternoon until early evening.
Wednesdays from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. on Zoom Spiritual awakening is an opening that occurs within. You develop a sense of receptiveness, a tenderness and love for what feels like the essence of life. You intuitively know that everything you experience and everything around you is connected in some way. This awakening is sometimes described […]