We Believe

What We Believe:

Our members represent a wide spectrum of belief: traditional Christians, Progressive Christians, as well as atheists and agnostics. Many of our members value spiritual practices that come from other traditions. While much of our own local traditions are grounded in Christianity, our most basic shared beliefs center on the value of every individual as an essential expression of love. 

  • We seek to understand the life, teachings and ministry of Jesus Christ in inclusive, practical, and relevant ways.
  • We respect each other. We hold each other in freedom. We ask questions and affirm people for who they are.
  • We believe all people are spiritual beings in that everyone has some indescribable qualities that reveal our passions and inspire us to do wonderful things.
  • We are companions on this earthly journey. We live to fulfill our purpose as human beings inside a community of care.
  • We believe that together, we are more! 

We invite you to share your journey with us, to help us care for each other and to help us care for the world.

Ladera Community Church is an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ.

United Church of Christ