Sunday Worship | 9:30 AM
Sunday worship is a joyful celebration of God’s presence among us. Through song and silence, prayer and reflection, we find inspiration, renewal and refreshment. All ages are involved in worship leadership, and we seek to integrate the arts – music, drama and visual – to enrich the worship experience. Worship is available in person, in the sanctuary, as well as online via Zoom and Facebook.
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month (all are welcome at our table), and “Sharing our journey” every second Sunday, where Pastor Jeff interviews someone from our congregation about their faith journey.
We offer special worship services throughout the year for a variety of holidays and purposes, such as Blessing of the Animals, Earth Day, Social Justice Sunday, and prayer vigils in response to current events.
Our Bridge Pastor, Dr. Evelyn Vigil, delivers thought-provoking sermons that help us deepen our spiritual lives and understanding of faith. He often weaves in stories from other traditions, and helps to elucidate the teachings of Jesus for modern-day seekers. We invite you to explore past sermons, by clicking the link below.
Music is an integral part of our worship and individual faith journeys. Music Director Eric K and Accompanist Sam Cisneros choose music of all periods and traditions to enhance and expand the lessons and the season. Christmas and Easter are important musically. We often include outside instrumentalists and vocalists for special selections during these times.
Our choir consists of a variety of different voices from high school students to those who have participated for many years. Several members also sing in other groups in our community. The choir sings from September through May. New members are welcome to join us at any time, even those who are beginners! The choir meets for rehearsal Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
ListenAfter Worship
We serve coffee, snacks, and engage in conversation on the patio or in our social hall following worship services.
2nd Hour programs (after worship on various Sundays) explore topics of spiritual growth and exploration, as well as current events. Childcare is provided upon request.
Volunteers are always welcome to bring flowers, serve as a greeter or liturgist, or help plan our Sunday experience.