
Below is a timeline of updates (newest to oldest) regarding the site plan process. We welcome your comments and thoughts either by posting comments on the discussion board below or by emailing We will make sure all input is reviewed by Council at our next meeting.

Site Master Plan Update (May 2023)

We held a congregational meeting on May 13 about the site planning work that the team and CAW (architectural firm) have been doing. Click here to view what is being proposed and send your comments on the concept drawings to Kyle Barriger,, and Deb Smith, We welcome your feedback.

Site Master Plan Update (March 2023)

It has been three months since we selected our site plan consultant, CAW. We wanted to provide an update on the work of the core team and CAW since that time. Throughout this document there are links to the materials that have been created in this process if you want additional information.

November ‘22

  • Core team selected and an initial meeting was held with CAW to start the process. An overall schedule for the process was created with tentative dates.
  • We provided CAW with historical documents and drawings to support their work.

December ‘22

  • Core team members provided feedback to CAW on the church’s strategic vision and our assessment of the existing facilities and our facilities’ needs.
  • CAW conducted their own assessment of the site.
  • CAW met with both Pastor Jeff and Sue Bartalo (facilities) for their input.
  • Core team and CAW designed two surveys to collect input from church members and the broader community.
  • Surveys distributed at the end of December.

January ‘23

  • Survey results received. There were 62 congregation responses and 180 community responses to the respective surveys. We were delighted with the level of response to both surveys. CAW created a summary of the survey results Deb Smith created a more detailed summary of the surveys that the core team reviewed as well.
  • We planned and conducted the first of two congregational workshops. The purpose of the first workshop was to share the survey results and solicit input from the congregation for the design process. CAW explained the master planning process and what we should expect. Approximately 25 people participated in the workshop and the results of the discussions are summarized here.

February ‘23

  • The core team met with CAW to review their initial thoughts for the Site Master Plan. We will spend the balance of February and the beginning of March working with CAW to refine the Site Master Plan. The final draft of the Site Master Plan will be presented at the second congregational workshop for your feedback. This workshop is will be held in late March or early April.

We are excited about the progress that has been made so far and look forward to sharing the results with church. If you have any questions or comments, please contact a member of the core team or send an email to

Architect Selected (posted October 26, 2022)

On October 25, the Church Council approved the recommendation of the consultant selection task force to hire CAW as the architect to create LCC’s site plan. The site plan, or master plan, will address the revitalization of our existing facilities and make recommendations for developing our currently unused space. The process for creating the master plan will solicit input from all interested members of the congregation and use our recent visioning work. If you are interested in learning more about the recommendation, you can review the presentation to the church council, RFP, and CAW’s proposal.

Site Plan RFP (posted September 22, 2022)

The consultant selection task force has been hard at work since its formation. We completed creating an RFP for potential consultants to respond to. The RFP was sent to six firms/individuals who had expressed interest in working on the site plan. Responses to the RFP are due later this month. In the meantime, we discussed our expectations for a successful site plan and used that as the basis for creating selection criteria that we will apply to the proposals we receive. Lastly, we have started to create a list of the documents that should be made available to the selected consultant. View the LCC Site Plan RFP.

Committee to Select the Site Plan Consultant (posted August 18, 2022)

The committee to select the site planning consultant had its first meeting on Thursday, August 18. The committee is made up of Kyle Barriger and Mike Smith representing Church Council, along with Tim Clark, Barbara Oliver, Paul Single, Linda Drey-Nightingale and Jud Hoffman. The committee’s first task is to create a request for proposal (RFP) for architecture and design firms to respond to. We hope to have the RFP ready to distribute by August 26. We are also looking for recommendations for architecture and design firms. If you know of an architecture firm that we should consider, please let us know.

Once the RFP has been released, the next task will be to determine the selection criteria that we will use to recommend an architecture and design firm to the church council. Feel free to speak with any of the committee members if you have questions or suggestions.

Site Plan Project Charter (posted July 23, 2022)

At the LCC Congregational Meeting on July 10, 2022, we passed two important resolutions. The first was to provide funding to rebuild the cottage, and the second was to hire outside consultation to develop an overall site plan. To help guide the site plan project, council approved a project charter, a short document that states why the project exists and highlights the key expectations and considerations of the church council (sponsoring body) and members. Our goal for creating a Site Plan Project Charter is to align on the key elements of the project including objectives, scope, and responsibilities. With a solid project charter in place, we will then move on to resourcing and creating the more detailed project plan. View the LCC Site Plan Project Charter.


LCC Covenant for Working Together as a Loving Community

  • We work to create an environment of respect and support for one another and to foster open communication. We value our diversity of ideology, both spiritual and temporal, and realize that each of our personal visions / opinions / passions is one of several valuable viewpoints. 
  • We recognize that each of us is acting in good faith. Communication is a human endeavor and misunderstandings may occur. We will resolve these in the spirit of love and forgiveness.
  • As individuals, we accept our responsibility to express ourselves openly and directly so that our opinions and ideas can benefit the decision-making process.
  • We will actively seek broad input of opinions and ideas. 
  • We will listen to the opinions expressed by others with respect and openness, realizing that their opinions are held with the same passion and belief as we hold our own.
  • We will take satisfaction from having our viewpoints seriously considered and lovingly heard, rather than from prevailing in our position. 
  • We will be open to considering that a better outcome may involve a melding of differing points of view. 
  • We recognize that valuing diversity can result in decisions that may reflect views other than our own. 
  • We will be intentional in our decision-making process, and strive for consensus.
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Mike Smith
Mike Smith
2 years ago

Looking forward to lots of engagement from the broad congregation as we take our journey towards a site plan!